These next two pictures are from this past weekend. We ended up having about a foot of snow fall in about 24 hours. It was so cool to have that much snow fall in our own backyard. I made a baby snowman and an angel! I loved it! Clint and I went out and played in it for an hour. His school was canceled and I didn't have to work either on Friday so it was fun to have a 3 day weekend.
For mom's birthday this year, everyone came up to Fort Worth to celebrate. We had fajitas and homemade banana pudding for lunch (yummy)! Then we went bowling. It was a lot of fun to spend time together. We got mom a digital photo frame which she loved.
I guess the other "big" things that have gone on were finding out that Justin and Kassie are expecting and they find out today the sex. They think she's due early June so that is really exciting. I can't wait to be an aunt again. Also, Bobbi found out she is having a boy so baby Jaxson will be here late June. All these babies! It is so fun, I love it!
Clint is staying busy with school. This semester he also has to study for boards on top of his normal school work but as usual he is handling it all in stride. He scheduled his boards for early June so he will have 2 weeks between 2nd and 3rd year. Yeah!
I am watching kids full time. I have 3 kids: Avery 9 1/2 months, London 7 months and Carter 5 months. As you can imagine they keep me pretty busy but it is so much fun seeing how they are changing and growing. I can also mark off one of my goals that I set for myself last year, I took a knitting class and have started knitting. I am working on my first dishcloth, so watch out!
Well, other than that I have been reading, as usual. I have read this past month:
The Great Divorce, C.S. Lewis (our small group is doing a study on this right now)
Eating Animals, Jonathan Safran Foer (great, informative book)