Friday, March 4, 2011

The Super Bowl Comes to the Cowboy's Stadium

This year, the Super Bowl was in Arlington. All of the media coverage was done from downtown Fort Worth. Clint really wanted to go check it out and see what all they were doing. It was actually fairly boring. But we could see into the set of ESPN and they had some stuff out that was interesting. We took a picture in front of the big Texas that had a football coming out of it. I'm really not sure what it meant but I think it was just celebrating Texas.

We hung out downtown for a few hours, then we headed to the Pier 1 building. If you have ever been to downtown Fort Worth and noticed a huge building with top of it lit up, then you have seen it. It's hard to miss because the lights at the top are really bright. In front of the building they have a walk way that goes all the way around it with trees lining the sides. At Christmas and (I guess) when they are hosting the Super Bowl, they light the trees out front. It is really beautiful.

We told them just to act goofy and this is what we got.

Stephanie and I decided to jump. Stephanie has mad skills and I could barely get off the ground. The thing is after this, everyone was giving me a hard time about not being able to jump. In order to prove them wrong (and to show what a klutz I am) I ran ahead of them and tried to jump higher. Well, that didn't happen so instead I fell on the ground. It was the hardest fall I have ever had. It was one of those that went on for awhile, like I tried to catch myself but my head was in front of my body and I couldn't regain my balance. Not pretty.

I look like I haven't even left the ground. Meanwhile, Stephanie is taking up the whole picture! I don't think pregnant women were meant to jump. Something keeps up grounded.

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