Thursday, February 12, 2009


So this week has been really amazing. I have been looking for temp jobs lately and trying to get my name out there about nannying/babysitting. Clint and I and our small group at church have been praying for me to have clarity about what I should do. Well, this week I had 3 separate people ask me about keeping their kids. I was really shocked. It was like God was saying ok, you want an answer well here it is. I mean, I can't tell you how many places I have applied and how many times I have questioned what I'm supposed to do. Clint and I have prayed and prayed for God to steer us. I have always felt that God has a special purpose for me I was just missing what that was exactly. But I don't know, ever since Alisha ( she is one of my good friends in our small group who is having a baby in August) asked me about watching baby Ward, I have felt a since of peace about it. I haven't felt that way with anything else that I have tried to do. Clint and I had a real heart to heart about the job situation this week and he was totally amazing about it. I don't think he knew it but I had a real "wow" moment when he started talking to me becuase the exact things I had been praying about, Clint brought up and talked to me about them. It was really amazing. I know he has questioned my sanity (and so have I) over the past 7 monthes that I have been unemployed. But he has just stuck right there with me. He has always been so supportive of me even though I know he gets stressed out he never takes it out on me (though I can't say the same for myself). I don't know what I would with out him.

God has been incredible to us these past few weeks. Before we need anything he gives us help. One of the girls in our small group, when I was telling her how God had provided for us, said that God knows we are being faithful to Him and He is rewarding us for that. I hadn't thought of that way, but it is true. It took me awhile to put my total faith in Him. Like most people, I wanted to figure it out on my own. I can find a this huge city..with limited experience.. all by myself! Yeah, right. He has taught me a lot of hard lessons since then but honestly I would do all of it again for how close I feel that I am to Him now. And I know it wouldn't be possible had I not gone through it. (Not saying I'm out of it yet).

So anyway, thanks Clint for being such I wonderful husband, I love you. And thank you to everyone else who has prayed and is still praying for us!

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