Wednesday, June 24, 2009

New Camera

Clint decided with his birthday money that he would buy a new camera. Here are some random pictures we have taken with it.

I took a picture of this flower because it actually came from a small tree. The tree was about the size of a crepe mertyl. I thought the flowers were so pretty and unusual to come from a tree. It had these flowers all over it.
This is the middle school that Cherry and I pass on our walks on our way to the track. It's a beautiful old school. It used to be a high school. It isn't institutional looking like they make them now a days.

Our pretty tomatoes!

This is the side our house. It has a beautiful old magnolia tree in the front. Beside the crepe mertyl, is the side of the house and you can also see a little of the front porch.

Alright so there is some random stuff. We love our new camera so much! We figured out our other camera was 5 years old which is like 40 in technology years. :)

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