This weekend, Clint and I went to Robinson because Robinson C of C was having its 50th anniversary. I really didn't expect how cool it actually was. I know some who read this will not know who I am talking about so sorry about that. It was really neat to see Mike and Priscilla Jones, Zoe and Terry Rascoe, the Olivers, the Hunns, the Richardsons and their girls, etc. It was like a flash back the '90's and, for me, a much simpler time. I loved that Terry and Rob led singing, Dale and Mike preached, and Billy Joe led the closing prayer. I think for me, it showed how even though people who came today had maybe left on not the best terms, they came back for just one day. Billy Joe's prayer really said it all, that even though people are different, they still love one another. Sometimes the only thing we will have in common, is that we all love Jesus Christ. And sometimes, that's really all you will ever need to have in common.
I am so thankful to have gone to Robinson and when I really think about it, it has shaped a lot of who I am today. Rob's and my dad's passion for music, has made me passionate about music. The girls that I ran around with then have helped shaped me into the friend that I am now. My devotion to prayer comes from the Tuesday evenings at Rob's house doing Power of Prayer ( and all the gallons of cookie dough we consumed, thanks Becky) and the prayer time we had at Iron Springs and Trek. And my bible study time, that came from having two parents with worn, highlighted, written on bibles. I couldn't tell you what my hair looked like or what the styles were back in high school. But I can tell you who my friends were, whether that was the year we went on trek and some of the songs that we were singing in youth group. I will never forget going to San Antonio with Kayla, Krista, Jessica and Stephanie. Or going to Dallas with Kayla for Ann M. Martin's autograph. When it comes right down to it, family is more than blood. It's friends that have sat and cried with you, it's a group of people that saw you grow up and it's the people you haven't even met but that share your love and passion for Jesus Christ.
Today, during church, of course a few people mentioned dad. And we sang "There's a Stirring" for the last song so you can imagine it was a pretty emotional time. But I love the part of the song where it says " I will rise up". I thought of it in a different way today. There are times when a church is divided, friends get in fights, spouses cheat, family's walk out and people die. But as a Christian, we know we will have that time when God will raise us up and things will be okay. That's the hope we will always have. And that's the hope I felt today.
To those that read my blog, like Sallie, Kayla, Jenna, mom and anyone else who may happen upon this blog, thank you for being there for me growing up. You have helped shape me and have left your permanent mark on me. Thanks.
Thank you God, for the people you placed in my life then and now. Thank you for the experiences I have gone through and how that has made me who I am today. Please continue to put people in my life that challenge me and also help me.
When you teach a child writing, you hold its hand while it forms the letters:that is, it forms the letters because you are forming them. We love and reason because God loves and reasons and holds our hand while we do it. -C.S. Lewis
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Book Blog
Today I finished a book called "Animal, Vegetable Miracle" by Barbara Kingsolver. She also wrote "Poisonwood Bible". In it she documents her family's lives for a year of eating only local food. In their case they were able to make alot of the food and also they went to the local farmers market and bought from some of their neighbors directly. The reason they did it was to 1)prove that they could 2) raise awareness for the need to return to producing our own food. She brought up a lot of good points.
1) There is 2700 calories per person per day being produced in this country. Most of it comes from corn and soybeans. With 700 extra calories per person, that means they have to sell it. If you go by BMIs of Americans, you can tell they are definitely selling it. ( To hear some disturbing things about this epidemic of corn, corn, corn, watch King Corn. It's a documentary about corn production in the US)
2) She talks about the idea that everyone feels that they have to buy food cheap. Her feeling is that since we are consuming it, we should know where it came from and what all is in it. Sometimes this means buying more expensive things rather than always trying to save a dollar here or a dime there. (This one is hard for me, especially since we are on such a tight budget, but I think she does make a good point.)
3) Americans have forgotten how to sit down at a nice dinner and just enjoy the food. To savor th flavors and the company. So many times we rush and dinner is just one more chore to get done. She points out that in many cultures (even ones where women work outside of the home) people still take their time in preparing and eating their dinner. (I had a professor in college actually talk about how terrible it is that college students don't take the time to sit at a dinner table and enjoy the food they have prepared. I thought it was kind of strange at the time. Now, I think I know what he was talking about.)
4) The funnest part of this book was that she spent a lot of time talking about different vegetables. When they are ripe, what they look like when they flower, different cooking methods and even how to make your own cheese. (Some of the cheeses actually look pretty easy.)
How has it changed me? Well, I decided that I would try to buy more things that are in season at the time. Also, I have tried to do this in the past, but I try to check labels more on produce. If it came from anywhere other than this continent, I don't buy. One time I found oranges from Australia. Wow. Also, I decided to be more devoted to our farmers market. Lacie and I went last week so I am hoping to make a return trip soon.
Yes, all this stuff is a bit hippy-ish. (Mom would be so proud :)) But, I do think it is true. Our country was started on people that grew their own food. Now, more and more small time farmers are being bought out by the big guys. Plus, I really don't like the idea that chemicals that can kill birds and grasshoppers are being sprayed on the food that goes into my body. It's a big problem and I'm sure with people like Barbara things will improve. I would recommend the book. Even if you don't care about the politics. If you like food and want to learn just about the food itself. This is a great book.
1) There is 2700 calories per person per day being produced in this country. Most of it comes from corn and soybeans. With 700 extra calories per person, that means they have to sell it. If you go by BMIs of Americans, you can tell they are definitely selling it. ( To hear some disturbing things about this epidemic of corn, corn, corn, watch King Corn. It's a documentary about corn production in the US)
2) She talks about the idea that everyone feels that they have to buy food cheap. Her feeling is that since we are consuming it, we should know where it came from and what all is in it. Sometimes this means buying more expensive things rather than always trying to save a dollar here or a dime there. (This one is hard for me, especially since we are on such a tight budget, but I think she does make a good point.)
3) Americans have forgotten how to sit down at a nice dinner and just enjoy the food. To savor th flavors and the company. So many times we rush and dinner is just one more chore to get done. She points out that in many cultures (even ones where women work outside of the home) people still take their time in preparing and eating their dinner. (I had a professor in college actually talk about how terrible it is that college students don't take the time to sit at a dinner table and enjoy the food they have prepared. I thought it was kind of strange at the time. Now, I think I know what he was talking about.)
4) The funnest part of this book was that she spent a lot of time talking about different vegetables. When they are ripe, what they look like when they flower, different cooking methods and even how to make your own cheese. (Some of the cheeses actually look pretty easy.)
How has it changed me? Well, I decided that I would try to buy more things that are in season at the time. Also, I have tried to do this in the past, but I try to check labels more on produce. If it came from anywhere other than this continent, I don't buy. One time I found oranges from Australia. Wow. Also, I decided to be more devoted to our farmers market. Lacie and I went last week so I am hoping to make a return trip soon.
Yes, all this stuff is a bit hippy-ish. (Mom would be so proud :)) But, I do think it is true. Our country was started on people that grew their own food. Now, more and more small time farmers are being bought out by the big guys. Plus, I really don't like the idea that chemicals that can kill birds and grasshoppers are being sprayed on the food that goes into my body. It's a big problem and I'm sure with people like Barbara things will improve. I would recommend the book. Even if you don't care about the politics. If you like food and want to learn just about the food itself. This is a great book.
Friday, April 17, 2009
A Few Rantings...
Okay, this post is going to be a downer because it's about a lot of things that have really been bugging me lately. Also, this one is political so if you don't agree or if you have heard otherwise feel free to comment so that I can also hear other viewpoints.
Yesterday I was listening to NPR and they were talking to a lady who is on Broadway but is also a voice-over on some adult cartoon show. She plays a Christian science teacher. The character displays her Christianity by putting a giant Christian slogan on a bumper sticker across her windshield so that "she can't see". The host of NPR and this woman than went on to say how ludacris and crazy it was that this woman was a Christian science teacher. Apparently, when you are a Christian, you don't believe in science. I mean, come on! How stupid do they think Christians are? Yes, we run around telling people that gravity is fake and the sun is a giant lamp. I am an intelligent person. And when something has been thoroughly researched and shown to be a viable probability, I will believe, unless it conflicts with the Bible. Just because I don't believe that life happened on the back of a crystal (yes, this is an actual theory) or that aliens came and put life on Earth (another actual theory) doesn't make me crazy. In fact, I think you have to be a bit crazy to believe in those theories. I also believe that my God knows more than any scientist sitting in some laboratory. And that makes me very happy. I usually like NPR but this story really upset me.
"Politically Correct" will be the end of us! Apparently, there was a video released in Pakistan of a Muslim woman being beaten. They could only show a snippet of the video on tv because it was so disturbing. The part I saw, they were holding her down, beating her with a stick, while she cried out in pain. So America, democracy, freedom, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, equal rights for all, a city on a hill. What did our president have to say about this?!?!......Well, apparently nothing. Not one word from the White House. What? Are you kidding me? They put this video out there on purpose and nothing????
Don't get me started on the bailout. One word for everybody: local. Bank local, buy local if you can. I'm doing the Dave Ramsey thing on this. I'm not participating in the recession. I'm not going to whine and fret. We got ourselves into this, we have learned some valuable lessons. While I think the car companies need help (in a different way than Government is doing it) the big banks can go belly up for all I care. It's called capitalism. They took advantage of people who couldn't pay their mortgage and now they are paying for it. If I took money from people and then complained when they started running out, I would be one sorry excuse for a human being. But for some reason, they are now going to take MY money that I worked for and give it to the poor billion dollar corporations? By the way, for those that didn't know. Guess who is buying all this debt that we are wracking up? China.
Yesterday I was listening to NPR and they were talking to a lady who is on Broadway but is also a voice-over on some adult cartoon show. She plays a Christian science teacher. The character displays her Christianity by putting a giant Christian slogan on a bumper sticker across her windshield so that "she can't see". The host of NPR and this woman than went on to say how ludacris and crazy it was that this woman was a Christian science teacher. Apparently, when you are a Christian, you don't believe in science. I mean, come on! How stupid do they think Christians are? Yes, we run around telling people that gravity is fake and the sun is a giant lamp. I am an intelligent person. And when something has been thoroughly researched and shown to be a viable probability, I will believe, unless it conflicts with the Bible. Just because I don't believe that life happened on the back of a crystal (yes, this is an actual theory) or that aliens came and put life on Earth (another actual theory) doesn't make me crazy. In fact, I think you have to be a bit crazy to believe in those theories. I also believe that my God knows more than any scientist sitting in some laboratory. And that makes me very happy. I usually like NPR but this story really upset me.
"Politically Correct" will be the end of us! Apparently, there was a video released in Pakistan of a Muslim woman being beaten. They could only show a snippet of the video on tv because it was so disturbing. The part I saw, they were holding her down, beating her with a stick, while she cried out in pain. So America, democracy, freedom, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, equal rights for all, a city on a hill. What did our president have to say about this?!?!......Well, apparently nothing. Not one word from the White House. What? Are you kidding me? They put this video out there on purpose and nothing????
Don't get me started on the bailout. One word for everybody: local. Bank local, buy local if you can. I'm doing the Dave Ramsey thing on this. I'm not participating in the recession. I'm not going to whine and fret. We got ourselves into this, we have learned some valuable lessons. While I think the car companies need help (in a different way than Government is doing it) the big banks can go belly up for all I care. It's called capitalism. They took advantage of people who couldn't pay their mortgage and now they are paying for it. If I took money from people and then complained when they started running out, I would be one sorry excuse for a human being. But for some reason, they are now going to take MY money that I worked for and give it to the poor billion dollar corporations? By the way, for those that didn't know. Guess who is buying all this debt that we are wracking up? China.
Annabelle Grace
On Monday, April 13, 2009, Annabelle Grace made her debut! This is Kara, Clint's sister, and Keith's first little one. Unfortunately, I got pretty sick the same day so I've got no pictures to share :( BUT I promise to post some as soon as we get to see them next. She was induced Sunday and ended up having a c-section but mom and baby are doing well now!
Today, Clint and I met grandma, papa, Beth, Connor and Lillie at El Fenix. Afterwards, papa and grandma had to go back home but Beth, the kids, and us went to the Museum of Nature and Science (I think that's what it's called) in Dallas. It was a lot of fun.
Connor making a huge bubble. There were two big pans with soap, water and these bubble "blowers" in them. It was really cool. It brought me back to 5th grade science class when my partner and I won some award for our science project- making giant bubbles.
This is not a good picture but I am so bad with this thing and trying to add, delete and move pics. Anyway, this shows the big pan they were in. Connor was about to attempt another large bubble.

Lillie and Connor playing in the giant "sandbox". They dug up dinosaur bones
using shovels and paintbrushes. The museum is really cool. They've got exhibits on the human body, communication, DNA and genetics, dinosaurs, and gravity.
Today, Clint and I met grandma, papa, Beth, Connor and Lillie at El Fenix. Afterwards, papa and grandma had to go back home but Beth, the kids, and us went to the Museum of Nature and Science (I think that's what it's called) in Dallas. It was a lot of fun.
Lillie and Connor playing in the giant "sandbox". They dug up dinosaur bones
using shovels and paintbrushes. The museum is really cool. They've got exhibits on the human body, communication, DNA and genetics, dinosaurs, and gravity.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter Weekend!
This weekend Clint and I went to Corsicana because both of his sisters that live far away came in. Beth, who lives in El Paso, with her 2 kids, Connor and Lillie and Jill, who lives in Nashville, with Watson. They came in this weekend because they and Keith's aunt were throwing Kara a baby shower. It had to be moved to Hillsboro where Kara lives, because Kara was on bed rest. Right now, they are inducing her in Hillsboro. She is going to have a little baby girl named Annabelle Grace Stewart hopefully sometime tomorrow. Clint and I are back in Fort Worth tonight because he has a test tomorrow :(
We had a great weekend. Friday we hung out at the house. Connor had a late birthday party at lunch time. We went over to Sonic, the fast food place, because they have a playground. So he, Lillie, and Watson played there for awhile then we went back to the house so he could open presents. After that Clint and I ran over to Justin's to see Blair. She's a cutie! (Justin calls her "don't shoot" because sometimes she'll jump and put her hands above her head. It's funny.) After that, we just hung out at the house.
Saturday I had to work up here in Fort Worth, then we went to Hillsboro for the shower. Kara got lots of cute things for the baby. Annabelle has many cute clothes to come home to now! There was also yummy food and drinks. After that we went on home and had an easter egg hunt.
Sunday we went to church and ate dinner at Keith and Kara's house. Pretty quickly after that Clint, Cherry and I loaded up with Jill and baby Watson so we could take them to the airport.
We had a lot of fun and can't wait to meet little Annabelle.
We had a great weekend. Friday we hung out at the house. Connor had a late birthday party at lunch time. We went over to Sonic, the fast food place, because they have a playground. So he, Lillie, and Watson played there for awhile then we went back to the house so he could open presents. After that Clint and I ran over to Justin's to see Blair. She's a cutie! (Justin calls her "don't shoot" because sometimes she'll jump and put her hands above her head. It's funny.) After that, we just hung out at the house.
Saturday I had to work up here in Fort Worth, then we went to Hillsboro for the shower. Kara got lots of cute things for the baby. Annabelle has many cute clothes to come home to now! There was also yummy food and drinks. After that we went on home and had an easter egg hunt.
Sunday we went to church and ate dinner at Keith and Kara's house. Pretty quickly after that Clint, Cherry and I loaded up with Jill and baby Watson so we could take them to the airport.
We had a lot of fun and can't wait to meet little Annabelle.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Book Blog
First, as a disclaimer, my book choices may sound very strange to some of you, but keep in mind that my major in college was nutrition and also that I worked for WIC and counceled women on breastfeeding.
I read two books that were very similar and I just got done reading them. They are both by William Sears, MD and his wife Martha Sears, RN. The first is "The Family Nutrition Book" and "The Breastfeeding Book". When I was at WIC, I found that I had a passion for breastfeeding. The way it works, the benefits to mom and baby and the bond that it creates are truly amazing. This book goes over the basics of breastfeeding like benefits to mom/baby, correct latch on and positioning, problem shooting, weaning, baby wearing, etc. The other book I read was pretty self explanatory. Basically, Dr. Sears goes over the 3 main energy sources: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. He explains things in a way that anyone could understand. He goes over how these are digested in your body, good sources of each of these, and which systems in the body require them. He also goes over vitamins and minerals.
Dr. Sears puts a lot of focus on natural, hands on parenting. He believes first and foremost that good health begins with proper nutrition and an active and fulfilling lifestyle. I will definitely be reading both of these books again especially when Clint and I start a family. Dr. Sears also has many other books relating to children, babies, pregnancy, and high need babies.
I promise I am not pregnant! :)
I read two books that were very similar and I just got done reading them. They are both by William Sears, MD and his wife Martha Sears, RN. The first is "The Family Nutrition Book" and "The Breastfeeding Book". When I was at WIC, I found that I had a passion for breastfeeding. The way it works, the benefits to mom and baby and the bond that it creates are truly amazing. This book goes over the basics of breastfeeding like benefits to mom/baby, correct latch on and positioning, problem shooting, weaning, baby wearing, etc. The other book I read was pretty self explanatory. Basically, Dr. Sears goes over the 3 main energy sources: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. He explains things in a way that anyone could understand. He goes over how these are digested in your body, good sources of each of these, and which systems in the body require them. He also goes over vitamins and minerals.
Dr. Sears puts a lot of focus on natural, hands on parenting. He believes first and foremost that good health begins with proper nutrition and an active and fulfilling lifestyle. I will definitely be reading both of these books again especially when Clint and I start a family. Dr. Sears also has many other books relating to children, babies, pregnancy, and high need babies.
I promise I am not pregnant! :)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
It's Spring!!!
I really don't have much to say here, so if you are in a hurry, this would be one of those posts that are pretty pointless. Some of you know that I have been working for Curves for about 8 months now and that I also recently got a job at Calloway's nursery which will probably be just for the summer months. I will, hopefully, have something lined up for me in the fall if everything goes as planned! But anyway I just had to blog about the fact that it is spring! Around here it's been pretty cool for spring so I can't wait for those very short months where it's 75 as the high and sunny! I think it's my favorite time of the whole year. It just makes me happy. Anyway, I have high hopes for my flower beds and garden this year. What is awesome about working at a nursery is when people kill or damage plants and they bring them back, we can take them home and try to revive them. Today we were supposed to throw out a bunch of perfectly good plants because they were for display and they had been up for several months. I took them home with me and got 2 free plants out of the deal, plus lots of good potting soil. So here are my plans:
1.) lots of free or cheap native plants for my flower beds. One thing I have learned from the experts that work there is to buy native plants. They will thrive in the harsh temperatures and sometimes drought conditions we have in Texas better than anything else.
2.) again, native vegetable plants. For example, tomatoes, squash, onions, bell peppers, and okra when they come in season. I know right now we have tomatoes and peppers so I guess it's a bit early for everything else.
3.) depending on my harvest, I would really like to can my own okra this year. I have recipe for it that I have been wanting to use but buying it from the grocery store seems like cheating.
We shall see how it goes. I'm hoping to put some pics up of some of the flowers and things that I've got going on right now. Anyway, like I said, not a very interesting post but I'm really excited about it!
1.) lots of free or cheap native plants for my flower beds. One thing I have learned from the experts that work there is to buy native plants. They will thrive in the harsh temperatures and sometimes drought conditions we have in Texas better than anything else.
2.) again, native vegetable plants. For example, tomatoes, squash, onions, bell peppers, and okra when they come in season. I know right now we have tomatoes and peppers so I guess it's a bit early for everything else.
3.) depending on my harvest, I would really like to can my own okra this year. I have recipe for it that I have been wanting to use but buying it from the grocery store seems like cheating.
We shall see how it goes. I'm hoping to put some pics up of some of the flowers and things that I've got going on right now. Anyway, like I said, not a very interesting post but I'm really excited about it!
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